Its worth a visit

Little Gull makes an appearence on local Sewage works

22/08/2014 20:26

An adult Little Gull was amongst some 42 Black Headed Gulls on the circular tanks at the Western end of Dewsbury Sewage works this afternoon.This adult bird stood out in flight with its distinctive lack of white flashes on the front of its rather rounded looking wings which also showed the distinctive dark contrasting underwings as it flew around the tanks and variouse lagoons nearby.

Also this afternoon still 3 Green Sandpipers on the central part of the Western end of the sewage works with also some 15 Common Snipe.

A very dark phase Common Buzzard was on the Kerries end of the sewage works and spent a great deal of time hovering over the grassland below the Poplar plantation to the North of the works.Around 68 Swallows where feeding over the filter beds on the Eastern end of the works.

