Its worth a visit

Little Ringed Plover arrives on Sewage works

16/04/2013 15:21

A Little Ringed Plover was present on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.Also present were 3 Shoveller(1 male 2 females)52 Teal,2 Gadwall 2 Tufted Ducks and 28 Mallard

2 Kingfishers are displaying on the River calder at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.

There are around 220 Swallows on the filter beds at Dewsbury Sewage works with around 22 House martins and some 25 Sand martins

Kerries Reserve has been invaded by Toads which occupy the main pond and there are now 6 singing Chiff Chaffs singing between Healy Road Ossett and Dewsbury Sands lane

