Its worth a visit

Little Ringed Plover returns

04/05/2016 20:48

It is only a small number of years ago that Little Ringed Plovers bred regulary in my part of the Calder Valley.Nowadays due to development of their former breeding site we have to be content with a brief flyover of the bird usualy of single individuals.Such was the case this morning when a bird was circling high at around 07:30 over Mill Bank Thornhill.

Wheatears are not something we see a lot of in the early Summer months in Dewsbury  but a female bird was present on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.There are now 7 singing male Reed Warblers on the Sewage Works but as yet only one singing Sedge Warbler has been noted,

A Grasshopper Warbler is still appearing on the banks of the river Calder around the area by the road bridge connecting Saville Town to the Water treatment site.

42 Swifts where above the filter beds of the sewage works at 08:30 this morning but Swallow and House Martin numbers where much down on previouse days(around 200 House Martins and 145 Swallows yesterday morning.

There are 5 singing male Whitethroats on Dewsbury sewage works and4 pairs of Whitethroats on Kerrie's copse.A Lesser Whitethroat sang briefly in bushes below Pildacre fields around 0850 this morning,

The first 2 broods of 4 young Coot appeared on the Calder yesterday but so far there has been no significant sightings of young Mallards.

2 pairs of Kestrels are displaying in my part of the valley at the moment and a single Sparrow Hawk flew towards Chickenley estate at 08:45 from Mill Bank Thornhill.

