Its worth a visit

Local summer visitors still slow to arrive but impression is encouraging.

30/04/2014 21:47

Its nice to walk on to your local patch and hear the sound of singing and displaying Whitethroats and Acrochephalus Warblers newly arrived.

Such was the experience I had when venturing on to the Reserve at Kerries Foods this morning.Theres 4 singing Male Blackcaps,4 singing Chiff Chaffs and 3 singing and displaying both Sedge warblers and Whitethroats.

The Sedge warblers are very newly arrived but are wasting no time indulging in their parachuting display flight.Also this morning 2 Grey Partridge near the entrance to the reserve.3 pairs of Goosanders are frequenting the area between Healy Road Ossett and Earlsheaton and I am expecting chicks to appear any time now as all the birds are showing signs of alarm when approached.

Sand Martins are continuing to increase at local colonies with one colony increasing from 8 pairs last year to at least 40 pairs at the present time.

The few Reed warblers present both on dewsbury Sewage works and kerries appeared to have moved on as I couldnt locate any trhis morning though there are now 5 singing Sedge warblers on Dewsbury Sewage works.Also on the works 5 Gadwall and 8 Tufted ducks

A single Green Sandpiper and 2 Oyster catchers are frequenting the sewage works at the moment4 pair of Reed Buntings are in territory on the Sewage works but there are otherwise very few small birds present save 3 pairs of Whitethroat.

