Its worth a visit

Lone Greenshank is nice to see but otherwise generally quiet.

13/08/2015 20:28

With most of my local ponds running dry it was nice to find a lone Greenshank (see photo gallery) on the local sewage works this afternoon.The bird is spending all of its time on the sewage bed adjacent to Hotworks mill and is visible from the public footpath that runs from Pildacre Chickenley to overlook the sewage works near Earlsheaton. Also still on the works but very flighty are 2 Green Sandpiper and a single Shellduck(immature) which as now been there for several days.

On the negative side a freshly killed male Kestrel is on the sewage works.Two Kestrels have been feeding a young bird on the wing around the Pildacre area and indeed one female bird is still present in the area hopefully still attending to its offspring.

There are also 6 Teal on the sewage works newly arrived and on the banks of the River Calder at Saville Town there is 84 Lapwings

Hopefully with rain on the way things will liven up a little once more suitable wet habitats appear.

