Its worth a visit

Looking good for wader passage on local sites

13/07/2014 15:30

Both Little Ringed Plover and Dunlin have joined the 5 Green Sandpiperts on the banks of the river Calder below Earlsheaton this morning.

A single Little Ringed Plover and single Dunlin were on mud borders on the calder this morning .

Also there is much Kingfisher activity on the calder this morning with an adult bird feeding its single offspring on the wing around the Healy Road Ossett area.Another Kingfisher is frantivaly catching food around the hotworks mill area of the river Calder and will undoubtably  be re emerging with its newly fledged young in the near future.

The Tufted Duck which hatched 7 ducklings on Dewsbury sewage works has moved its ducklings on to the River Calder around the mill Bank/Thornhill area.

