Its worth a visit

Makasutu Cultural Lodge a full day visit

28/11/2012 19:10

Makasutu Lodge is some 20 minutes drive from the main tourist area at Seen Gambia complex.

There is an admission price that includes all meals and a guide as well as a trip on a dug out canoe around the local mangrove which lasts about a half hour.

Allthough the complex is set in impressive woody environment it is the woodland around the cmplex which is of the most interest.

First of all one is made aware that their is a pack of some 200 Baboons roaming around the park and one annot avoid coming into close contact with these animals.Happy to report there has never been any incidents of aggression towards visitors by these animals.

The surrounding woodland seems to be divided into two types.The Western side is the sort of Bushtrack terrain one finds in the Ferra Banta type area and the Eastern side is very reminiscent of the environment at Abuko Nature Reserve.(see photogallery).

On thec Western side there is an excellent colony of around 40 pairs of Village Weavers in 3 large Acacia bushes.Raptors present on this occassion on this side were Dark Chanting Goshawk,Grey Kestrel,2Lizard Buzzards .There was several Senegal coucals,6 African Grey hornbillsA party of 8 Black Headed Bulbulls.3 Singing Black Crowned Tchagra.Several Tawny Flanked Prinniah.2 Splendid Sunbirds,3 variable Sunbirds,4 Beautifull Sunbirds 3 African Thrushes.3 Green Turacos and 2 Violet Turacos.2 Shikra were patrolling around the Village weaver colonies

On the Eastern side the woodland is more dense with much cover for birds.

A Grey Headed Bristlebill was one of the first to encountered.Two Black bellied Paradise Flycatchers were present and a common Wattleye was extremely obliging in one par of the forest.Severeal Snowy Crowned Robin Chats were present.2 Fork Tailed Drongos were around the open air restraunt as were several Grey Backed Camaroptera,2 African Harrier Hawks and around 9 Long Tailed Glossy Starlings.

On this occassion the canoe trip around the mangroves was a waste of time birdwise.2 Long Tailed cormorants,A single Broad billed Roller was just about it on this occassion.

I would like to visit this site in February/March when i suspect there will be more birds here.It was just a little quiet on this occassion.

