Its worth a visit

Male Swallow on Dewsbury sewage works

02/04/2014 14:12

A male Swallow was hawking above the border fence on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.later the bird moved to the Hotworks area of the works and was still there at 11:45.The White Wagtail is still on the filter beds at the easterly section of the works.Teal numbers are down to 38 this morning with just 16 Mallard present on the works.No sign of the Common Snipe from yesterday.

30 Redwings flew Easterly at 11:50 over Kerries Reserve where 2 Grey Partridges where flushed towards the fields at Pildacre Chickenleye.A single Green Sandpiper was on the works as was a single Little Grebe.

