Its worth a visit

Mandarins back on the river Calder at Ossett

06/05/2014 17:57

A stunning male Mandarin Duck flew down the calder near healy Road Ossett this morning.With recent sightings of a female bird in the same area over the last 2 weeks we have to conclude that the birds are intent on breeding in the area over the next few weeks.

Summer visitors appear to still be a little slow returning to their previouse breeding sites.there is still no Swifts showing at their usual breeding sites and as yet no Yellow Wagtails appearing on my patch.

Localy there are are now 3 singing Reed Warblers and 5 Sedge Warblers on Dewsbury Sewage works together with 4 pairs of Whitethroats.

Sand Martins appear to have got down to the buisness of nesting very quickly with little signs of activity at our local colonies though there where 30 birds mobbing a Common Kestrel at one colony this morning.There are 4 new broods of Mallard chicks on Dewsbury sewage Works this morning totaling 32 chicks.38 Mallard males are still on this site with 8 Tufted ducks and 5 Gadwall but all the Teal have now gone.

