Its worth a visit

Milder Weather brings more Ducks into the local sites

08/01/2015 21:16

It is good to see increasing duck numbers particulary on the river Calder at the moment.

A party of 16 Goldeneye are now an almost permanent feature on the river below Mill Bank Thornhill keeping company with 5 Tufted Ducks.On the same stretch of the river 8 Goosander including 3 males these birds drifting as far down river as Healy Road Ossett.Also on the Calder at the moment 2 Little Grebes apparently having no trouble at all finding food in the slightly swollen water levels of the river.

Nearby below Earlsheaton on Dewsbury Sewage Works some 185 Teal with some 68 Mallard and 3 Shoveller.There is still some 200+ Pied Wagtails on the filter beds of the Sewage Works but the numbers of Meadow Pipits have all but disapeared presumably in to the local fields.There is still a single Chiff Chaff on Dewsbury Sewage Works but once again apart from the Wagtails small birds are virtualy none existant.

18 Canada Geese seem to have become a permanent fixture on the river near saville Town as do the 8 Cormorants in the same part of the river.

It was good to see 118 Pink Footed Geese flying Westerly yesterday morning at 10:50.There is stioll 28 Common Snipe on Dewsbury Sewage works at the moment.

