Its worth a visit

Mink observed attacking Sand Martin colony is even more bad news for our local birds but Greenshank was a welcome relief

03/06/2015 11:48

As if yesterdays high water levels werent doing enough damage to our local Sand Martin colonies the sight of a brown coloured Mink going inand out of the nesting burrows this morning was heartbreaking.

I was only remarking to someone a couple of days ago that sightings of Mink on our patch where decreasing and it came as a shock this morning to see a party of about 80+ Sand Martins flying around alarming at first what I had hoped would be the prescence of a Hobby.My heart sank when I discovered the face of a mink coming out of one of the nesting burrows.The mink systematicaly started going from one burrow to another at times disapearing completely from view.Judging from the amount of birds in the air most of the Sand Martins where not in their burrows but nests containing eggs must have been easy prey for the Mink.At this time of the year the Mink will be feeding young of their own and the Sand martin colony will be an easy food supply unless we can find some way of dettering them.

Elsewhere a single Greenshank on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning together with 2 Little Ringed Plover and 3 Lapwings.

There are now 4 broods of Coot and 6 broods of Mallard.3 pair of Canada geese have bred succesfully nearby and have a total of 10 Goslings

Also on Dewsbury sewage Works 35 Lesser Black Backed Gulls of variouse ages,The vast concrete bed reserved for surplus compot heaps is proving a big attraction for Gulls and there was 62 Black Headed gulls there also.

