Its worth a visit

New Flash on Millbank Thornhill proving a great attraction to Green Sandpipers

16/08/2012 15:18

A new flash has appeared on Mill Bank Thornhill on theMarshalling yard side of the Canal presumably caused by the persistant heavy rain during previouse months.

Allthough not the easiest to get good views of certain parts of it can be viewed from the disused railway line over the midway bridge which is about 200 yeards from the metal footbridge connecting Millbank and the Healy Road side of the Canal.

There has been frequently 3 Green Sandpipers and odd Common Sandpipers on the muddy fringe at the Northern end of the flash and there is also a Little Grebe on the flash at the moment.Up to 60 Mallard and small numbers of Teal are also present and allthought it appeared to be drying out the recent very heavy showers appeared to have topped it back up again.

There are at least 84 Lapwings on Dewsbury Sewage Works at the moment and a further 78 birds were at Horbury Wyke with 5 Herons yesterday.

The new flash at Mill bank should be worth keeping an eye on.It also seems to attract some interesting looking Dragonflies and I managed to photograph a female Broad Bodied Chaser after stalking several Dagonflies for about an hour yesterday(see photo gallery).


