Its worth a visit

No let up in Goose movement but Winter Thrushes slowly filtering in to local environment.

26/10/2018 12:05

Yesterday brought good numbers of wood Pigeons coming in from the North and continuing flying South.670 Wood Pigeons flew South over Thornhill and beyond in around 30 minutes yesterday morning between 09:10 and 09:40.52 Pink footed Geese flew Eastwards as in previouse days(52 birds).

32 Fieldfares in a single flock flew South over Dewsbury Sewage works at 09:45 but Redwing numbers where scattered in to small numbers with 43 birds moving south during the morning over Mill Bank Thornhill.

5 Goosanders and 5 Little Grebes are on the River Calder in the Saville Town area at the moment and there 34 Teal and 11 Shoveller on Dewsbury Sewage Works at the moment.

This morning 170 Pink Footed Geese(in 2 skeins) flew East over Kerries Food factory and 7 Pink Footed Geese flew West low over Pidacre fields Chickenley before 10:00.

28 Fieldfares flew South over Pildacre at 10:20 and 33 Redwings (and 5 Song Thrushes )where in the copse besides Kerries Food factory at  08:45.

2 Redpolls where in bushes in Lower Pildacre and a Blackbird count in the same area totalled 42 birds at 09:35.

