Its worth a visit

Oyster Catcher back on to its breeding site in Dewsbury.

18/02/2017 12:39

A single Oyster Catcher has returned to its old breeding site on the Calder near to Dewsbury Town Centre.Hopefully the female bird will appear alongside it shortly so we can witness its rather noisy but nevertheless exiting display flight as it flies up and down the valley with its distinctive kleep kleep calls.

A Peregrine Falcon male was hunting above the Kerries food factory at 11:10 this morning.There where several Jackdaws and Wood Pigeons feeding in the fields just on the right side of Healy Road Ossett and the Peregrine made several stoops at these but was unsuccesfull and left to the East around 11:35.

3 Gadwall ducks are on the River Calder at Earlsheaton (2 males and 1 female) but generaly Duck numbers are much reduced in the area probably because of the mild weather.32 Teal are still on the sewage works at Dewsbury and there are 18 Mallard on the Calder in the same area.

The mild weather has produced much bird song this morning particulary birds like Song Thrushes and there was 4 singing males in the pildacre area this morning.

2 Lapwings where over the fields at Pildacre this morning and 13 Canada Geese where on the river Calder just below Mill Bank Thornhill.

A single Widgeon was on the Calder also below Mill Bank along with a single male Goosander.

