Its worth a visit

Peregrine Falcon hunting Teal and coot in the valley this morning and Iceland Gull was a nice little Bonus

26/12/2014 22:58

Whereas small birds such as Titmice and Finches continue to decline in this part of the Calder Valley,the same thing cannot be said of its Waterfowl.

Teal ducks now number some 180 birds on Dewsbury Sewage works along with 9 Shoveller and 68 Mallard.It is allways a sign that there could be a raptor or bird of prey around when carrion crows mass into a single tree instead of their usual feeding place on the ground.And sure enough this was the general pattern of behaviour around Mill Bank when out of the blue a male Peregrine Falcon appeared apparently from nowhere and started stooping time and time again over both Mill Bank plantation and Dewsbury Sewage works causing all the Teal to seek refuge inthe more densely vegetated areas of the works.The Peregrine also had a go at flushing several Coot from there Marshy pools on this occassion being unsuccesfull.

The Peregrine stayed for about 30 minutes before finaly departing slowly to the East not before taking part in some ariel sparring with a Common Kestrel which was also hunting on the works.

Also  on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning 210 (approx) Pied Wagtails,5 Grey Wagtails and 25 Meadow Pipits

There was a slow but steady passage of Herring and Lesser Black Backed Gulls  passing in an Easterly direction for much of the morning and at 10:40 a bird with the unmistakeable plumage of an adult Iceland Gull passed low over the filter beds slowly moving Easterly

There are some 280 Black Headed Gulls on the Sewage Works at the moment but rarely do the larger Gulls stop off to feed.

Also on the Sewage Works some 48 Common Snipe and single Green Sandpiper

Small birds(with the exception of Pied Wagtails) are in short supply at the moment but this morning there was 12 Long Tailed Tits and 8 Reed Buntings are in the hedge at the bottom of Pildacre Fields.There was no sign of Chiff Chaffs this morning.


