Its worth a visit

Rainy conditions bring a bit more life to old Sewage Beds

28/07/2015 19:39

What a difference a steady spell of rain brings to the countryside.

There are still 10 Green Sandpipers on the lower beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works.These are still made upof 2 parties one of 6 and one of 4.Wether these are two succesfull breeding parties or not I dont know they are difficult to approach and flush when someone gets to within 100 yards of them.

Also today 7 Common Snipe,1 Little Ringed Plover and 76 Lapwings.

Newly arrived on one of the lagoons are 3 juvenile Goosander.Iv seen no small chicks this year so I dont know where these birds have arrived from possibly further up river.

It is good to see Greenfinch feeding young at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett one bird was feeding 2 young on the wing near the bus stop on Healy road bottom.

Also 2  Mistle Thrushes are gathering food in the roadside fields on Healy Road Ossett this morning

Rainy conditions bought House Martins feeding in a flock of about 350 over the Compost heaps at the bottom of Pildacre this morning.Also nearby on the filter beds of dewsbury Sewage works some 160 Black Headed gulls,5 Grey Wagtails and some 24 Pied Wagtails.

3 Oyster Catchers are still frequenting the works.

