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Recent News from our local patch

16/08/2012 15:05

It would appear that the very wet Spring and Summer has had quite a dramatic effect on a lot of our ground nesting birds this year.

Numbers of Phylloscopus Warblers  appear to be dramatically down on previouse years with much reduced numbers of immature birds observed in areas where they are usually plentifull at this time of year.

Likewise Common Whitethroats which  usually gather in the Calder valley in our area are more or less almost absent and appear to have migrated early or just have had a disasterous breeding season.Usually at this time of year Dewsbury Sewage Works has around 50 or 60 birds feeding there mainly family parties but yesterday I couldnt find a single bird.

Luckily Acrochephalus Warblers appear to be expanding in the valley with a reported 23/24 pairs of Reed Warblers being recorded this year.There are at least 4 pais on Dewsbury Sewage works and at least one pair  at Ossett all apparently breeding with some success and with small numbers breeding at Cooper bridge and Mirfield this represents one of the few success stories this year.

