Its worth a visit

Record numbers of Pied Wagtails in Pildacre fields Chickenley.

26/12/2016 11:26

Around 350 Pied Wagtails where in the lower Pildacre fields this morning with at least 350 birds in a single field.Wether their regular food is being blown from the water treatment works nearby on to the fields its difficult to say.

2 Peregrine Falcons are now coming in to roost on North Ossett Church on most nights.The birds usualy arrive about an hour before Dusk.

A Barn Owl was again present in the Healy Road area of Ossett this morning

Apart from the Wagtails small birds are in short supply this morning but 10 Long Tailed Tits,5 Great Tits,4 Blue Tits and 5 Chaffinches came on to our feeders at Ossett this morning.6 Cormorants are on the river Calder below Earlsheaton and a single Green Sandpiper is on Dewsbury Sewage works.

