Its worth a visit

Reed Warbler colony being filled in on Dewsbury Sewage Works

17/07/2012 11:35

It must be very frustrating for breeding birds on Dewsbury Sewage works.When ever we have a success on the site Yorkshire water seems to excell in obliterating it for the following season.

We have seen this so often in recent years.Little ringed Plovers which were as reliable as anything for the last 20 years have raised young on the site yet with the coming of modernisation all their nesting habitat has been destroyed and there has been only one sighting of the birds this year.Likewise  Oystercatchers have bred therde for the last three years  but this year they decided to nest right in the path of the new road project and as a result the deserted almost as soon as work began on the bed they were nesting on.Water Pipits which were present on the works in increasing numbers in recent years have failed to return this last Autumn and winter again due to habitat disturbance.

The Reed Warbler clony destruction is all the more bad news when we learnt recently that the site at Cooper Bridge(another site owned by Yorkshire Water) which also hosts a small Reed Warbler colony has been handed over to fishermen from Mirfield Angling club who are planning to uproot the reed beds there.It sems that whenever we gain a species in our valley Yorkshire Water just destroy its habitat.(see photogallery for photos of the filling in of the Reed warbler colony on Dewsbury Sewage Works.

Meanwhile it is good to report that again yesterday 2 Common Terns were fishing on the fishing lake behind the Ship Inn at Mirfield.They stayed for about a half hour before flying away to the east.

