Its worth a visit

Reed Warblers and Whitethroats now back in our local Breeding sites

21/04/2014 19:21

There cwas a single singing Whitethroat on Kerries Reserve Ossett vthis morning.Although not showing itself very well it was singing loud and clear from a small Hawthorn bush in the centre of the reservce only occassionaly coming out in to the open showing itself.

Also in the area a single Reed Warbler singing its head off in one of the Phragmitese beds on Dewsbury Sewage Works.

2 Sparrow Hawks where displaying over Mill Bank Thornhill also this morning and also a single female Sparrow Hawk was over chickenley Estate at around 10:35.

4 Chiff Chaffs where singimg on Kerries reserve along with 2 Willow warblers and a single Blackcap.Another Blackcap was singing on Mill Bank thornhill at the same time.

Around 80 Sand Martins where over the sprinklers of the Sewage Works at 09:30 but where flying very high.Numbers at the 2 Sand Martin colonies appear to have increased particulary at the new site where some 30 birds where present.

A single Green Sandpiper was on the riverside aroind the Hotworks area of the river.

Very few small birds around this morning but at least 8 Blackbirds on Dewsbury sewage works with 4 Song thrushes.These two species appear to be thriving in the valley with another 5 Song Thrushes on Kerries and at least 9 Blackbirds on the same site

There is still 4 Gadwall on Dewsbury Sewage works and around 28 Teal.A pair of Mallard still has 11 ducklings on the main lagoon and also 4 TTufted ducks there

Curiousely no Cormorants on the River Calder this morning but still 4 Goosander( 1 male and 3 females.).Mirant Warblers in the valley still seem to be well down on previouse years but Hirrundines(Swallows and Sand Martins) appear to be well up to strength.

