Its worth a visit

Reed Warblers back on Dewsbury Sewage Works

27/04/2011 12:23

Although there is onl;y a small amount of Phragmitese on the far end of the works it is enough to attract 2 singing male Reed Warblers this morning. Also on the River calder 2 Mandarin Ducks ,single male Goosander,single female Shoveller,4 Grey Lag geese and 2 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Commmon Snipe.Also single Sedge warbler singing on the boundary fence.

Nearby on Thornhill Wetlands Reserve singing male Grasshopper Warbler,5 pair of Common Whitethroats (allready gathering nesting material) 2 pair of Chiff Chaff,and 4 singing Blackcaps.

Still no records of local Common Sandpipers and Oystercatchers only occurring occassionaly on the sewage works.

