Its worth a visit

Reed Warblers return to their local breeding site

23/04/2015 16:57

2 Reed Warblers where singing from the largest Phragmitese beds on Dewsbury Sewage works this lunchtime.There xarealso 3 pairs of Whitethroat on the works allready in old territory along with 5 singing Willow Warblers and 3 male Blackcaps and 4 singing Chiff Chaffs.

Gadwall on the works now number 5 and Tufted Ducks still present with 28 birds.42 Teal are still present as are 2 Shoveller and 2 pairs of Little Grebes

2 seperate Water rails where calling on the works from different beds and a single Green Sandpiper is still present.

5 Common Buzzards where over the valley this afternoon with 2 pairs displaying and a single very pale bird over the Earlsheaton area.

2 pairs of Kestrels where also displaying in the valley 1 pair over Saville Town.1 Kestrel was consistantly mobbing 1 pair of Buzzards over the Pildacre fields Chickenly area.

On Kerries reserve now 4 singing male Whitethroats,4 singing Chiff Chaff,3 singing Blackcaps and 2 singing Willow Warblers.

