Its worth a visit

Sand Martins.Encouraging signs in the valley on this species.

09/04/2014 14:19

A distant inspection of my local Sand Martin colony at Ossett this morning revealed encouraging signs.

There was at least 32 birds hovering around last seasons nesting holes (at least an hundred per cent increase) with another 140 birds feeding above the compost heaps adjacent to dewsbury sewage works.Also over the compost heaps some 25 Swallows.Its a good sign for the Sand Martin colony (2 years ago completely destroyed by Mink).

Also this morning 58 Teal,2 Shoveller,8 Tufted ducks,2 Little Grebe on dewsbury Sewage works.

On the calder this morning 6 Cormorants,3 Goosander females and 2 pairs of Kingfishers.

On kerries reserve this morning 2 Chiff chaff,2 singing Willow Warblers and 2 Blackcaps(males).


