Its worth a visit

Sand Martins excavating a new colony on the Calder

15/04/2014 23:07

at least 10 pairs  of Sand Martins  are excavating nesting holes at a new site on the River calder near Dewsbury.There was at least 20 birds present this morning as well as the 30 plus birds present at the colony near Healy Mills Ossett

Also this morning 2 singimg Blackcaps on Kerries Reserve Ossett together with 2 singing Willow Warblers and singimg Chiff Chaffs also on Kerries.

On Dewsbury Sewage works 2 pairs of Gadwall,2 pairs of Shoveller,5 pairs of Coot.There are 4 pairs of Pied Wagtail in territory and a pair of Canada geese have taken over the central laggon on the works.There was 2 Oyster catcher  and 2 Common Snipe present this morning.Small birds are still in short supply with only 2 pairs of Reed buntings in territory and carrying nest building material.

Single Sparrow Hawk and Kestrel where on the works this morning and a female Sparrow Hawk was on Mill Bank Thornhill.We are still awaiting our first Sedge  and Reed Warblers  as well as Common Whitethroats.Just 2 female Goosanders where on the Calder this morning and a single Green Sandpiper where on the sewage works.

