Its worth a visit

Sands Lane Flash on Saturday morning 09:00 to 10:30 hours

15/10/2012 06:52

56 Black Headed Gulls were present on Sands Lane  flash  together with 2 Common Gulls,40 Canada Geese,40 mallard,1 Mandarin Duck male,2 Tufted ducks,2 Great crested Grebes and 3 Mute Swans.

On the same day an evening watch at Kerries Foods copse produced 4 Redwings,7 Blackbirds,4 Song Thrushes,6 Goldfinch,3 Chaffinch2 Chiff Chaff,6 Dunnocks,6 Wrens.A single Kestrel was over the copse at18:00 hours and 160 Jackdaws dropped in to the Millbank crow roost at 18:30.

Ossett Sewage Works was visited on Sunday afternoon around 13:30  and noted was 1 Jack Snipe feeding with 5 Common Snipe.

9 Widgeon were flushed fom the old lagoon with a single Shoveller and 20 Mallard.6 Teal were flushed from the main bed.

Millfield Lagoon some 30 minutes later held 28 Tufted Ducks, 20 Mallard,2 Little Grebes 4 Cormorants,5 Moorhens,1 Mute Swan and 22 Black Headed Gulls

