Its worth a visit

Sedge Warblers at last arriving on local breeding sites

08/05/2013 10:59

There are 3 singing male Sedge warblers on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.Also still 3 singing Reed warblers.There was also a good verbal contribution from at least 2 Water Rails on different sites so it must be assumed that the species is in breeding territories again this year.

A good number of hirrundines this morning with around 200 Swallows and some 50 House martins on the sewage works.There is some activity by around five pairs of Sand martins at a new site further up the Calder near to the new bridge.The bank previousely used by a pair of Kingfishers

2 Great Crested Grebes are still on the Calder at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett  and a pair of Gadwal are ever present on Dewsbury Sewage works.

2 Yellow Buntings and 4 Reed Buntings are coming to feeders on Kerries Foods reserve.

There was a Easterly passage of Swifts going on this morning but numbers were difficult to estimate due to very low cloud and slight fog

