Its worth a visit

Latest news from my local patch

15/12/2011 16:30

The water level on the River Calder is very high at the moment which allthough not ideal brings certain benefits for local birders watching our local spots.

For starters most of the duck numbers are absent from the river as they are unable to feed so they tend to gather on land or as in our case on the Sewage Works at Dewsbury werec they have excellent cover on the old beds.

This makes them much easier to count especialy Teal which tend to stick close together.

A walk around the site produced some 140+ Teal yesterday along with a good count of some 86 Mallard.

Around 120 Pied Wagtails are still feeding on the sprinkler beds till around 1030 hours before dispersing and there very few Meadow Pipits starting to appear amongst them.

One good thing is that there are now 6 Little Grebes between Healy Mills Ossett and the Hotworks Mill at Earlsheaton an increase on previous years of 4 birds.Goosanders have not materialised as in previous years and so far the maximum on our stretch of the river is only 6 birds.

The bird feeders on Lerries Reserve at Ossett are still very busy with around 9 Blue tits and 5 Great Tits being permanently in residence aswell as a Robin on each of the 5 seed feeders and regular visits from small numbers of Chaffinch and Reed Buntings.

A Kesterl has been hunting on the reserve every day this month and it is hoped this bird will find a mate and breed in one of the nesting boxes suited to the species on the reserve.

The Ring Billed Gull is still showing well on a regular basis behind ythe Ship Inn in Mirfield.

