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Some latest local news

31/10/2012 19:11

With South Westerly winds dominating the weather at the momentits not surprising that things on the birding front have been a lottle quiet.

Winter Thrushes althoughpresent and showing signs of being on the move have only continued to go south in a trickle.148 Redwings flew South in 2 hours over Ossett yesterday and like wise today some 155 Redwings at the same time moved south between 08:30 and 10:15

Redpolls seem to be all over the place at the moment with 6 in the copse at Kerries yesterdat.A further 8 flew South over Dewsbury sewage works yesterday morning.4 Yellow buntings were coming on to feeders on Kerries reserve Ossett yesterday and a single Mandarin Duck was with 28 teal on the Calder near Earlsheaton yesterday.There are still 3 Water Rails to be heard locally with 2 seperate birds callong on Kerries Reserve and a single bird calling in the Reed Warbler colony site on Dewsbury Sewage Works

This morning 5 Sparrow Hawks flew south including 3 females and 2 males over Kerries.4 Goosanders and 65 Mallard are on the Calder oppositte Dewsbury sewagec works today.2seperate Little Owls are making their presence felt at the moment with a bird calling at the bottom of healy Road Ossett and a bird calling around the Hotworks mill area Earlsheaton.Hopefully a change in the wind direction will improve matters.

