Its worth a visit

Some local news

17/05/2012 16:15

A pair of Reed Warblers are allready building a nest on Kerries reserve Ossett.Compared to this time last year numbers of Summer visitors appear to be somewhat down particulary on the Warblers.There is only 1 pair of Reed warblers returned to Dewsbury Sewage Works and only 5 singing male Whitethroats as against 8 at the same time last year. There are 3 singing male Sedge warblers on  Dewsbury Sewage Works and 2 singing males on Kerries Reserve the former less 2 pairs on last year and the latter 1 pair less.

There is an adult male Yellow wagtail feeding on the sprinklers at the Eastern end of the Sewage works at Dewsbury this afternoon but the swift numbers are much declined with just some 250 birds with some 50 House Martins and around 45 Swallows feeding much higher in the sky than in the previouse  5 days.

There is a lone Little Ringed Plover on Dewsbury Sewage Works looking rather dejected as none of its regular partners appear to have arrived.A pair of Gadwall are still occupyng a suitable breeding area on the works and the first broods of Mallard(2 broods of 4 young)and a single brood of 5 Canada Geese young are on the Calder at the bottom of Healy Road.

There is no sign of the Goosanders either adult or young on the river at the moment.There are 18 pairs of Sand Martins in the Ossett  colony at the moment

