Its worth a visit

South Eastelly winds bringing good Northerly movements of Vultures over Lamin

15/11/2014 16:00

Raptor movement began  at 09:35 with a slow movement of small parties of Hooded Vultures rising up and gradualy moving off to the North with 96 birds passing over up to 11:30

From 11:30 to 13:30 a further 143 birds North up to watch close at 13:30

Also on this watch 1 female Montagues Harrier North 10:20 flying low over Lamin village and being mobbed by 8 Pied Crows.

A single Gabor Goshawk was over North of Lamin at 10:50 also moving slowly North.2 Ospreys moved South during this watch

Black kites  began moving at 09:15 and 22 birds flew North up to 11:15 hours.

2 parties of Little Swift moved north at 09:45 (6) and 12:55 (2) 17 Palm Swifts also going North during this morning watch.

4 Red Chested swallows flew North at 11:15. and a Great White Heron flew off to the West at 11:25.

In the compound this morning 2 Gonolek,8 Common Bulbul,2 Spotted Dove,Plantain Eater,2 Palm Doves,1 African Trush and 3 Beautiful Sunbirds

