Its worth a visit

South Westerly winds not good for migration but local spots still worth keeping an eye on.

21/07/2015 18:47

There are 3 Green Sandpipers on Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon along with 64 Lapwings and 3 Oyster Catchers.Small birds are rather scarce possibly due cto the rather fresh winds but there was 2 young Water Rail chicks on the central beds calling repeatedly.All Reed Warblers on the site where quiet today hopefully meanig they have all now found suitable mates for breeding.

There are 162 Black Headed Gulls on the lawn  in front of the Yorkshire Water office block.

1 brood of 5 grey Wagtails is feeding on the central fikter beds of the works and the curreny crow count is around 140 Carrion Crows and around 100 Jackdaws

