Its worth a visit

Spring is well and truly upon us Kingfishers chasing and displaying along the Calder

05/04/2017 11:14

Its amazing how Spring and the arrival of Migrant birds sneaks upon us.In our part of the Calder Valley there are allready singing Willow Warblers 2 in the Willow plantation below Mill Bank Thornhill and 2 on the Sewage Works below Earlsheaton.3 Chiff Chaffs are in full song now below Pidacre fields Chickenley.

Sand Martins are increasing at our local colonies with 22 birds allready inspecting last years nesting holes at one site.

There are 2 Kingfishers chasing each other along the Calder around the Thornhill Mill Bank area and it is hoped these birds have more success than last year when there was no sightings of young birds on this part of the river.

There are 2 Shellduck on the River Calder around the Saville Town area but these birds are extremely nervous and take flight at the slightest sign of intrusion.

A single Green Sandpiper is on the river bank below Earlseaton.

Duck numbers in the valley are very low at the moment with just 24 Teal,9 Shovellers and 4 Gadwall around the Dewsbury Sewage Works area.A pair of Goosander are frequenting the riverbank around Saville Town and hopefully they will be able to produce ducklings in the near future

2 Common Buzzards 1 over Chidswell Shaw Cross and 1 on Ossett Bypass.

