Its worth a visit

Still no Cuckoos but generally local breeding birds doing ok

15/06/2017 06:36

Overcast conditions in the Dewsbury part of the Calder valley on Monday(12th) bought decent numbers of Swifts and House Martins down from the heights to feed.

Around 450 Swifts and around 280 House Martins where feeding around the sprinkler beds on Dewsbury Sewage Works for around 2hours in the early evening.As is usual with these birds as the weather cleared slightly the numbers decreased and by 20:00 hours most of the birds had disapeared.

Overcast heavy skies are no good for soaring birds of prey but by Wednesday the 14th the weather was glorius with light winds and clear blue skies A female Sparrow Hawk was quartering the fields along Storrs Hill road Ossett and2 Common Buzzards where circling 1 above Thornhill Parrish Church moving slowly South and the other at the same time over Earlsheaton.

Although becoming rather uncommon a pair of Lapwings have bred successfully on Dewsbury Sewage Works with a 3/4 grown chick showing well yesterday.

A Red Legged Partridge was on the river edge around19:30 on Monday the 12th.

On Wednesday morning the 14th of June 12 male Reed Warblers where in full song on the sewage works with a further 2 birds in song in the Kerries Foods area.3 pairs of Sedge Warblers are now in the same area.2 Common Shellduck are hanging around near the Saville Town area but show no signs of wanting to breed.

House Martins appear to have increased localy so far this year with a few more new breeding sites particulay on the main Dewsbury/Leeds road.We even have a pair building a nest on our house. 

