Its worth a visit

Still pretty quiet though a Pintail Duck on the Calder is still worth seeing

05/08/2015 17:10

A female Pintail is on the River calder at Saville Town this afternoon.It stands out from the mallard in being much slimmer with a much greyer body and a longish slim neck with a delicate bill.When it flies the rear traling edge to the wing panel is bright whitish with the front white panel being barely visible.It is generaly much slimmer overall that the Mallards in the same stretch and when it flies it seems much faster showing the greyish brown head contrasting with the much greyer body.

Nearby on the sewage works at Dewsbury still 4 Green Sandpipers,7 Common Snipe and 2 Oyster catchers.The immature Shellduck is still present as are at least 35 Lapwings.

A pair of Tufted Ducks have bred in the area just below Mill Bank Thornhill but only one chick seems to have survived.

There are around 200 Crows on the sewage works today ratherc too many for my taste but consisting of around 120 Jackdaws,70 Carrion Crows and around 10 obviouse Rooks.

