Its worth a visit

Still very quiet in my part of the Calder Valley

20/10/2016 19:04

With just about the most exiting Autumn for birds on the East coast ever recorded its seems almost embarrassing that there has been little to get exited about on my local patch.

Around 220 Pink Footed Geese flew over Shaw Cross Dewsbury heading South East on Tuesday  around 08:30 hours.

6 Redwings came in from the North  over Earlsheaton on Tuesday morning at 09:45 heading South but there has been very few small birds around.A single Chiff Chaff is still frequenting the hedgerows below Pidacre fields Chickenley.

The eight Robins which where occupying the feeders on Kerries Reserve Ossett are now reduced to seven after a female Sparrow Hawk was seen leaving the copse clutching a robin and devouring most of it on a nearby tree.

Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage WorksTeal numbers  are up to 44 with just 9 Shoveller and 18 Mallard but no Gadwall yet on the site.3 Little Grebes are still on the Works and Pied Wagtails peaked at around 145 on Tuesday morning at 08:45 declining rapidlysoon afterwards with nearly all the birds heading off to the East in small parties.

A Common Buzzard was been mobbed by 18 Jackdaws over Mill Bank Thornhill on Wednesday morning amd a single Kestrel was hunting on the sewage works the same morning.

