Its worth a visit

Stormy Weather raises water levels on the River Calder

10/12/2014 20:08

The recent stormy weather with heavy showers has raised the calder to very high levels causing most of its residents to seek shelter elsewhere.

Some 180 Teal are now present on Dewsbury Sewage works (the most for some time).Also Common Snipe now number some 52 birds (all on one bed).Other duck numbers are as follows 10 Shoveller and 68 Mallard.10 canada Geese are on the river bank near the new road bridge near saville Town.

There are some 170 Pied Wagtails on the filter beds of the sewage works along with 3 Grey Wagtails and it is good to see 2 Green Sandpipers back on the circular tanks at the centre of the works.

There are 15 Meadow Pipits feeding around the border fence to the compost heaps at the bottom of Pildacre fields but still very few othersmall birds.A party of 10 Long Tailed tits is working its way along the river bank hedge between Kerries factory and the border fence to the sewage works and con Kerries reserve itself there is increases activity around the feeders with 5 Blue Tits,4 Great Tits,4 Chaffinch,2 Robins and 6 Blackbirds.Around 340 Black Headed Gulls are on the sewage tanks at the moment.8 Cormorants are spending most of their time in the trees below Mill Bank Thornhill at the moment.

Around 30 Redwings where feeding on the reserve this morning

A Little Grebe is feeding on the Moat at Thornhill Rectory Park

A party of some 80 or so Starlings are feeding in the fields just below the Huntsman pub at Shaw cross and a party of some 32 Fieldfares was in the same fields at lunchtime

