Its worth a visit

Summer Visitors arrive on time.

18/04/2018 18:57

A Common Whitethroat was singing in a hedge on the lower Pildacre fields at 08:00 this morning.Also there are now 6 singiing WillowWarblers in this part of the Calder Valley most of them by the Calder just West of the Earlsheaton area.There are also 2 birds singing around the Kerries Food factory area by the security box.

2 Kingfishers are at the moment displaying around the bottom of Healy Road Ossett and they can be seen chasing each other passing regulary beneath the foot bridge connecting Healy Road to Mill Bank Thornhill.

A Curlew has been flying around the Sewage Works at Dewsbury all morning mixing with the Black Headed Gulls on the central beds and making short flights every time the gulls are disturbed.

There are now around 20 pairs of Sand Martins along the Earlsheaton stretch of the Calder.It must be very confusing for these birds as the site of last years colonies  have been completely altered due to the high water levels in the SWinter and early Spring months.Sand Martins are at present excavating new holes at at least 2 new sites but I think this year will be difficult as there are not many areas of soft soiled banks along this part of the river.

There are still 42 Teal on Dewsbury Sewage Works along with 7 Shoveller and 5 Gadwall.There is no sign of any Reed or Sedge Warblers of yet and today there where no wagtails present either on or around the Sewage Works

There are 2 Tree Creepers displaying daily around the metal rotating security gate at the exit to Kerries Foods.They are very obliging and dont appear to notice people as the chase each other up and down the tree trunks to the right hand side of the gate

There was 7 Common Buzzards in the air at 10:15 this morning soaring mainly over Mill Bank Thornhill but eventualy gliding North to be over parts of South Ossett.

The sounds of Buzzards calling is now a regular daily feature around the Southern parts of Ossett and Thornhill.

