Its worth a visit

Swallows and House Martins gather in the skies as warmer climes beckon

18/08/2016 20:03

Every morning this week the twittering sounds of Swallows has been heard in the skies above my home in Shaw Cross as they gather prior to migrating to their Wintering habitat in Africa.All the local telegraph wires both at home and around my local birding spot at Ossett have been lined both with Swallows and a smaller number of House Martins all in prepeeration for their departure.Its not been agood year for House Martins and many local homeowners have complained that their usual nesting House Martins just never turned up this Summer. Summer.

On Tuesday a single male Yellow Wagtail arrived on Dewsbury Sewage Works along witha single Green Sandpiper.The long dry spells this year have deprived us of ideal habitat for migrating waders so far though I have to admit it has been a benefit for many of the breeding ground birds such as Warblers whis continue to increase on my local patch along the banks river Calder in Dewsbury.

Allready ducks are starting to increase on the Calder with now 9 Gadwall and 14 Teal on the local sewage works this morning,along with 5 newly arrived Shoveller.

5 singing Reed Warblers are still present on the sewage works though most are now feeding up youngsters on the wing.

