Its worth a visit

Swallows gather pre to their migration to warmer climes

09/09/2015 08:55

There appearsan  to be a pre migrational roost of Swallows in my part of the Calder Valley.In previouse years swallows have used the now redundant Willow plantations below Mill Bank Thornhill as a safe haven for roosting andyesterday morning 2 parties 1 of some 160 birds and another of some 140 birds where feeding over the plantations at around 08-30.Small numbers of Sand Martins where mixes in these flocks but only represented around 10% in each flock.

Also nearby on Dewsbury Sewage Works a party of around 140/150 Starlings feeding on the filter beds at the Eastern end of the works.These birds flushed on to telegraph wires above the fields below Chickenley housing estate on being disturbed.Also on the sewage works around 130/135 Pied Wagtails,9 Grey Wagtails on both sets of Filter beds.Around 2/3 of these where immature birds indicating a reasonable breeding season for the species.

25 Teal and 9 Common Snipe are also on the works but a further decrease in the number of Warblers was very noticeable with only around 8 Chiff Chaff noticed,

On Kerries reserve things generally quiet though male Bullfinch,5 Robins,4 Blue tits ans 5 Great Tits where on the feeders at around 11:00

