Its worth a visit

Thursday 17th of March birding around Kotu Creek ,Golf Course and the Sewage Ponds as well as the army barracks bulding behind the Sewage Ponds.

22/03/2011 11:50

As we left our hotel 4 Red chested Swallows were on the wires outside my room with nearby 2 Fork Tailed Drongo,6 Common Bulbull,15 Speckled Pigeon and 2 Bearded Barbets.Hooded Vultures seem to be in the air more or less from first light as there was at least 12 birds over the hotel.

After a short journey we arrived on the golf course and was greeted by 16 long tailed Glossy Starlings,2 Fine Spotted Woodpeckers,a single Swallow Tailed Bee eater and the sight of a single Lizzard Buzzard displaying high in the sky.

The first patch of mud held some 5 Ringed Plover,12 Wattled Plover and we found hiding beneath a clump of rush a single Painted Snipe.

A single intermediatte Heron and 16 Spurr Winged plover were on the mud flat as well as 4 Grey Plover 6 Whimbrel,3 Common Sandpipers as well as 4 Senegal Thick Knee,and around 25 Grey Headed Gulls

Plantain Eaters appear to be common this time around as there was at least 15 on the Golf course.

On Kotu Creek itself there appeared 6 Black Necked Ibis,4 African Spoonbill,2 Greenshank.8 Little Bee Eater.5 Broad Billed Roller,6 Blue Bellied Roller,1 Splendid Sunbird and an Osprey which was almost constantly overhead whilst we walked.

We disturbe 2 large snakes on the creek as we were walking between the furrows.One we identified as a beauty snake but the other was larger and we stayed well clear.

On the sewage ponds there wa 4 Black Necked Ibis around 19 Black Winged Stilts,8 African Black Crakes 4 Wood sandpipers but little else in the way of waders.22 Little Swift were hawking above the ponds.

