Its worth a visit

Waders start to increase on local Sewage works

24/07/2015 16:46

A party of 6 Green Sandpipers are now present on Dewsbury Sewage Works.Allthough conditions for waders have been very limited recently due to he dry weather patterns there are at least two beds with a good area of mud and the site now looks promising for any passing waders that are able to drop in.

Also on the works 2 Little Ringed Plovers.These birds usualy disapear in our arrea towards the end of July and breeding appears to have been unsuccesfull localy as these 2 birds where both adults.

3 Oyster Catchers are frequenting the compost heaps below Pildacre Chickenley and it would appear that amongst the 2 adult birds there is a very well developed immature bird.

65 Lapwings are still on the Sewage works again with the vast majority of birds being adults.This is quite a contrast to the larger flocks of previouse years when a good proportion of these birds would be immature birds.

A brood of 5 Grey wagtails with 2 adult birds is present on the filter beds at the Eastern end of the works as it would appear only one paur have bred successfuly on the woreks this time around.

Acount of Moorhens on the works revealed some 32 birds including 12 immatures and 5 small chicks.All the breeding Coot and their young appear to have moved on to the river Calder.

There was 162 Black Headed Gulls on the site this afternoon again with only around 8 Immature birds whereas Jackdaw numbers are now at around 140 with the majority (some 80 + of the birds being juveniles).Carrion Crows at present number some 85+ birds again with a good percentage of them being immature.

