Its worth a visit

What a difference a day makes

31/10/2014 17:09

After just a very short spell where the wind began to blow from the South East quite noticeable changes appear to have taken place on the local bird scene.

It was nice to come across swirling parties of Winter Thrushes in the Calder Valley this afternoon.In the area around Kerries Foods at Ossett and the fields below Chickenley this afternoon around 550 Redwings passed over in about a 30 minute spell all flying in a Southerly direction.At 14:20  a party of 55 Fieldfares came in out of the North East and drifyed slowly South Easterly in the direction of Horbury Bridge.What makes these flocks all the more interesting is the numbers of small birds that appear to come in with them.On this occassion som 30+ Chaffinches dropped out of 2 flocks and settled in bushes around dewsbury Sewage works.

There is stll a single Chiff Chaff feeding around the compost heaps below Pildacre fields.Also nearby 27 Common Snipe on Dewsbury Sewage Works with 12 Shoveller,63 Mallard and 68 Teal and a single Green Sandpiper.5 Grey Wagtails are present on the filter beds at the Eastern end of the works and some 160 Starlings are on the wires over the office block.Only very small numbers of Pied Wagtails are present on the works at the moment.

There was 2 Mandarin Ducks present on the River Calder near Saville Town and 2 Little Grebes and 3 Goosanders are also present on the river below Mill Bank.

28 Moorhen where counted on or around the sewage works this afternoon

