Its worth a visit

Where have all the Swallows gone

24/08/2016 20:08

Over the last couple of weeks there has been regular sightings of local Swallows gathering in small flocks above local areas flying high getting ready for their departure to their Winter quarters in Africa.Now all of a sudden the skies are much quieter with the occassional lone Swallow hanging around its local nesting area or dashing off westwards trying to find its colleagues preparing for their long journey Southwards.

Most of the local Sand Martins have also departed with only about 6 birds now flying around the colony sites on the River Calder in my area around Dewsbury and Ossett.

It is good to see family parties of Common Buzzards over the local areas and 3 birds where flying close together over Mill Bank Thornhill this morning easily located by their soft mewing call.

Local Phylloscopus Warblers are still present in decent numbers with 8 Chiff Chaff and 2 Willow Warblers on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.Also on the same site 5 Reed Warblers still feeding young birds on the wing.

4 Green Sandpipers are on the works at the moment and are spending their time on the recently created rain ponds which are on the footpaths around this site.

A single Little Grebe with a single fully grown youngster is on the River Calder around the Saville Town area.

70 Canada Geese flew West up the Calder this morning around 08:15

Pied Wagtails are starting to increase nicely on the sewage works at this time of year with some 142 birds present this morning.

Also Duck numbers are on the up with 14 Teal,5 Gadwall,58 Mallard,1 Shoveller al on the Calder around the Earlsheaton area today.

