Its worth a visit

Windy conditions make it difficult for small birds but Glaucous Gull was a nice bonus on an otherwise quiet day

17/10/2012 07:43

Birding in the early morning was difficult but an improvement around mid morning gave chance for a brief walk round the local sites.

Thornhill Rectory Park was almost birdless with most of the central copse effected by the wind.2 Jays were on the ground on the Northern end of the golf course.There was no sign of the usual nutatches or indeed ( apart from 3 Blue tits) any smal birds.

A foray into the copse at Kerries Foods Ossett yielded pretty similar results with no sign of the 2 Chiff Chaffs that were still present yesterday

It was with some surprise whilst going through passing numbers of Black Headed Gulls a first year Glaucous Gull appeared over thec Willow Plantation by the railway moving steadily Eastwards possibly in the direction of Pugneys.The bird showed their characteristic sandy plumage with the pale pink bill and  almost blackish dark tip.

Dewsbury Sewage Works was also very quiet with only 6 Teal,3 Grey Herons a single Meadow Pipit on the sprinklers with 27 Pied Wagtails.Moorhen numbers are hard to judge as most of the birds are on thickly vegetated beds and can reach cover very quickly.There was at least 2 Water Rails calling from the upper beds next to the river.

A short brief trip to Ossett Spa Sewage works produced 22 Widgeon which took off in the direction of Millfield Lagoon Horbury.Apart from these and 5 Moorhen the site was extremely quiet.

