Its worth a visit

Winter Thrushes starting to appear but still in small numbers

11/10/2018 23:34

There was at least 20 Redwings feeding in a small copse in the lower Pildacre area (Ossett) this morning.After spending a couple of hours feeding up all the Redwings rose up and moved away slowly Southwards.Jays are very active in the  Ossett\Dewsbury area at the moment and one reason for this is probably the amazing Berry crop we have at the moment particulary Hawthorn  and Rose Hip Berries.

Gull numbers on and around Dewsbury Sewage Works are increasing nicely though 99% are just Black Headed Gulls at least 400 birds where present this morning but only 2 Herring Gulls and a single Lesser Black Backed Gull where amongst the Black Headed.

24 Shoveller where on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning along with 28 Teal with the latter spending all their time on the River Calder around the Saville Town area.

