Its worth a visit

With the arrival of Winter Thrushes small birds from the North begin to increase

28/10/2015 14:52

With overcast conditions ans light Southerly winds,Redwings and Blackbirds are steadily increasing in my part of the Calder Valley.It was nice to see a party of some 43 Redpolls sat patiently above the bird feeders on our Ossett Reserve yesterday.These mixing with around 15 Chaffinces and some 32 Linnets (the latter feeding on a large patch of Mugwort on the bottom of Pildacre Fields just below Chickenley,There was around 120 Redwings in the copse adjacent to Kerries Food Factory along with some 14 Blackbirds and 4 Song Thrushes at around 09:30 yesterday and it was nice to record again single Willow Tit coming to the feeders along with around 8 Blue Tits,7 Great tits and 10 Robins...

Starlings are also on the increase with around 65 birds in the fields at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett and a further 260 birds on Dewsbury Sewage Works

Pied Wagtails are also on the increase with a count of around 185 birds on the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works at 08:40

Also  on Dewsbury Sewage Works yesterday 6 Shoveller,35 Teal.27 Mallard(mainly on the River Calder)3 Common Snipe,2 Grey Herons and a Kingfisher which was fishing on one of the Sewage Works lagoons

Small birds are difficult to find on the sewage works at the moment but 3 Meadow Pipits where on the main Office Block footpath and  5 Reed Buntings where at the Western end of the works 38 Pink Footed Geese flew North East at 08:30 approx on Sunday the 25th.

The increase in Starling numbers is tempting a female Sparrow Hawk into trying its luck around the filter beds and a single Green Sandpiper is frequenting the second section of filter beds.

