Its worth a visit

Wood Warbler Bird of the year for me so far

26/04/2016 11:18

At 08:30 this morning I heard the unmistakeable shimmering song of a Wood Warbler as I was walking back from Pildacre just beflow Chickenley estate.

The bird was singing just in a small copse just aside of the public footpath that goes from the water treatment plant just below Earlsheaton to Healy road Ossett.

I located the bird in the centre of the boggy copse as it fed tirelessly in between bursting out its song.The area is in generaly poor light but I managed to get several shots just to confirm its identity before leaving the bird to get on with its feeding.It is a very cold morning and no doubt the bird was eager to build up its energy for its forthcoming travels.

Otherwise a rather quiet morning with just 2 singing Lesser Whitethroats,5 singing Reed Warblers on the local sewage works,2 Grey Lag Geese flew East over the Calder at 08:10 and a single Green Sandpiper on the river bank near Saville town.

Sand Martins where a little subdued at the main colony near Healy Road bottom but the second colony below Mill Bank appears to have more than doubled to  over 20 pairs compared to last year.


