Its worth a visit

Woodcock and Drake Pintail on my patch today.

09/12/2015 15:39

A Drake Pintail is frequenting the Calder Valley around the Dewsbury Sewage Works area.The bird was flushed from the fresh water Lagoon on the sewage works around 10:15 this morning and circled the works several times before heading off in the direction of Dewsbury town'(see photogallery)

Also on the sewage works today 138 Teal,18 Mallard and 7 Grey Herons.There are virtualy no Pied Wagtails on the sewage works at the moment with good numbers seeming to spend most of the morning hours on the car park of Dewsburys ASDA store

Nearby on Kerries reserve next to the food factory a single Woodcock was flushed from a small marshy area in the inner copse.It appears this appears to be a favourite area with this species asit was only 2 years ago there was up to 6 birds coming in to roost in the very same spot.

Also on Kerries on our bird feeders today 10 Chaffinches,3 Bullfinch,8 Goldfinch,1 Great Spotted Woodpecker,4 Wrens,3 Dunnock,8 Robins,9 Great Tits,8 Blue Tits,4 Blackbirds.No sign today of the Wintering Chiff Chaff which was coming to the feeders with Lomg Tailed Tits.Also absent the Willow Tit from last week.

