Its worth a visit

Yellow and White Wagtails appear together on Dewsbury Sewage Works but still a few absentees

23/04/2013 12:13

A superb male Yellow Wagtail is feeding on the filter beds this morning together with a single White Wagtail.Also 2 Common Sandpipers are on the River Calder opositte the centre of the sewage works.A single Common Whitethroat is also singing near the vehicle compound on the works

Otherwise Swallow numbers are much down on previouse days 160 yesterday and only around 50 this morning with some 8 House martins and about 10 Sand Martins.3 Kingfishers were on the river this morning a single on the riverbank near Healy Road end anmd a pair displaying just below the Hotworks Mill area.There is still no signs of either Reed or Sedge Warblers either on the Sewage Works or on Kerries Reserve Ossett

