Its worth a visit

Yellow Wagtail makes another appearence

20/05/2015 07:04

A male Yellow Wagtail was on the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works yesterday afternoon at 14:30.When approached the bird took flight and flew over the office block of Yorkshire Water and went down into the fields behind.

Also there the Hirrundine numbers over the compost heaps looking very slightly reduced at first but increased again with the oncoming of heavy cloud as a shower of rain arrived.Numbers of House Martins still around the 650 -700 mark but Swallows now around 100 and Sand Martins c150.About 60 Swifts made up the numbers.

Again around 87 Mallard,9 Gadwall,2 Teal,18 Tufted Ducks and 4 Shovellers.There are now 2 broods of Canada Geese on the River Calder just below Earlsheaton and yesterday 2 Goosander(male and female) around the same area.

Again windy conditions made listening for Reed and Sedge Warblers difficult but at least 6 singing male Reed Warblers and 5 Sedge Warblers.

